Shrubs, or annual or perennial herbs, often glandular and aromatic. Stems ± quadrangular. Lvs opposite, exstipulate, usually simple. Infl. usually of modified cymes in the axils of opposite bracts, rarely of true cymes; modified cymes forming pseudowhorls (verticels or verticillasters), and these either distant along the infl. rachis or aggregated into spikes or panicles. Fls zygomorphic, usually ⚥, sometimes unisexual; bracts conspicuous or very reduced; bracteoles present or 0. Calyx usually 5-toothed or 5-lobed, 2-lipped or teeth or lobes ± equal, sometimes accrescent. Corolla tube usually well-developed; limb (4)-5-lobed, 2-lipped with upper lip 2-lobed and lower lip 3-lobed, rarely with a lower lip of 5 lobes. Stamens (2)-4, didynamous when 4, sometimes 2 reduced to staminodes, epipetalous. Ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed, of 2 divided carpels, 4-celled with 1 anatropous ovule to each cell; style 1, usually gynobasic, simple below but with 2 branches above. Fr. of 4 nutlets, sometimes 1 or more aborting. Seed non-endospermic or nearly so.
- A. Subfam. AJUGOIDEAE.
- B. Subfam. LAMIOIDEAE.
- Corolla bilabiate to almost regular. Stamens 2 or 4, often exserted. Style gynobasic. Seed non-endospermic.
- 1. Trib. LAMIEAE.
- 2. Trib. MARRUBIEAE.
- Calyx ± regular, tubular-campanulate. Corolla bilabiate with flat upper lip. Stamens 4, included, didynamous:
- Marrubium
- 3. Trib. MONARDEAE.
- Calyx regular or bilabiate. Corolla bilabiate with upper lip concave or upright. Stamens 2:
- Monarda L.
- 4. Trib. NEPETEAE.
- Calyx almost regular to bilabiate. Corolla bilabiate with concave upper lip. Stamens 4, sometimes didynamous with posterior pair longer and anterior pair sterile:
- CedronellaDracocephalum L. GlechomaNepeta
- 5. Trib. SALVIEAE.
- Calyx bilabiate. Corolla bilabiate with upper lip helmet-shaped or cucullate. Stamens 2:
- Salvia
- 6. Trib. MENTHEAE.
- Calyx regularly 5-toothed or bilabiate. Corolla lobes flat, almost regular to bilabiate. Stamens (2)-4, equal or didynamous:
- AcinosCalaminthaClinopodiumHyssopus L. LycopusMenthaOriganumSatureja L.Thymus
- Corolla weakly bilabiate, the teeth subequal. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Style gynobasic. Nutlets with small area of contact with ovary. Seed non-endospermic:
- Lavandula
- D. Subfam. OCIMOIDEAE.
- Corolla with 4-lobed upper lip and 1-lobed lower lip. Stamens descending, exserted from corolla tube, lying under lip or enclosed by it, 2 or 4. Style gynobasic. Nutlets with small area of ovary contact:
- Ocimum L.Plectranthus
- Upper lip of corolla very broad, concave or almost flat. Stamens 2 or 4, usually included. Style not gynobasic. Nutlets usually with small area of contact with ovary. Seed endospermic:
- Prostanthera Labill. Westringia Smith
- Corolla bilabiate with upper lip 2-fid. Stamens 2, strongly exserted. Style incompletely gynobasic. Nutlets with large area of contact with ovary. Seed non-endospermic:
- Rosmarinus L.
- Corolla limb 2-lipped and upper lip hooded. Stamens 4, exserted but lying beneath upper lip. Style gynobasic. Seed ± transverse; nutlets with small area of ovary contact. Seed non-endospermic:
- Scutellaria
c. 180 genera, 3500 spp., cosmopolitan.
Many genera and spp. of Lamiaceae, or Labiatae as the family is often known, are commonly cultivated in N.Z. but are not naturalised, amongst them being a number of culinary and aromatic herbs and small sub-shrubs.
Fls of many of the naturalised genera are illustrated in Plates 15 and 16, and Fig. 75.
The commonly grown Rosmarinus officinalis L., rosemary, has been reported as being almost wild on a roadside at Wadestown, Wellington. The genus Rosmarinus L. is fairly close to Salvia with a bilabiate corolla and 2 stamens, but the upper corolla lip is not cucullate, the anthers have 2 cells instead of 1, and the style is incompletely gynobasic. In addition Rosmarinus spp. have narrow-linear lvs with revolute margins, in contrast to any Salvia spp. wild or cultivated in N.Z.
The following synopsis includes a few genera commonly seen in N.Z. but with no naturalised members. The genera of the Lamioideae are not put into subtribes. The classification is that of Melchior, H., in Engler, Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien 2: 438-444 (1964), with a nomenclatural correction by Sanders, R. W. and Cantino, P. D., Taxon 33: 64-72 (1984).
Fig. 75. Fls of Lamiaceae. A Acinos arvensis; B Cedronella canariensis; C Clinopodium vulgare; D Leonurus cardiaca; E Lycopus europaeus; F Marrubium vulgare; G Nepeta cataria; H Prunella vulgaris. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X62]