Hebe raoulii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica raoulii Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 214.
Small rupestral shrub, branches 15-30 cm. long, erect to straggling. Branchlets pubescent with short ± retrorse hairs, internodes short or long. Lvs erecto-patent, 6-25 × 2.5-8 mm., spathulate, tapering into narrow but ill-defined petiole; lamina glab., coriac., not keeled; margins serrate, often reddish. Infl. 2-6 cm. long, terminal, us. compound, the lateral spikes subtended by progressively smaller lvs; peduncles elongating in fr. Fls crowded and almost sessile. Bracts 1·5-3 mm. long, broad, ciliate, sts pubescent at base. Calyx-lobes little > bracts, similarly ciliate. Corolla lavender-coloured to almost white, tube < calyx, lobes > tube, 2-3·5 mm. long, ovate. Capsule erect, to 3·5 mm. long, very turgid, ± didymous, us. glab.; seeds ± spindle-shaped, slightly winged.