Coprosma propinqua var. martinii W.R.B.Oliv.
Type: W, Cox, August 27, 1901.
Compact densely lvd shrub; branches ascending at narrow angle; branchlets densely clad in long ± appressed hairs. Stipules with short sheath. Lamina linear-lanceolate, acute, ± 15-20 × 3-4 mm.
DIST.: Ch.
C. alba Col. in T.N.Z.I. 24, 1892, 388 was described from specimens collected "On the eastern banks of the River Manawatu, near the new bridge, road from Dannevirke to Wainui . . . forming thickets; 1891, W. C." The description includes: "Leaves small, rather distant, sometimes two together, narrow linear-oblong very obtuse, sub 1/2 in. long and 1 line wide . . . stipules small, acute, glabrous, black-tipped. Flowers: male, axillary (often opposite on branches), and terminal on tips of short lateral branchlets, fascicled in threes . . . Corolla glabrous, whitish, purple-striped and purple-dotted . . . 4-5-6-lobed, cleft two-thirds down . . . female, solitary . . . Calyx very small, 4-lobed . . . Corolla small, tubular . . . lobes 3-4, cleft half-way down . . . Fruit globose, 2 lines long . . . white with minute purple dots, shining . . . It flowers in September, and bears ripe fruit in April and May." Oliver (loc. cit. 67) states "Dannevirke, 1891, Colenso, Auckland Mus., Dominion Mus., type of C. alba Colenso". I have not found the W specimen, and Cooper (Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 3, 1949, 399) does not list it for A. A specimen in K, in fr., does not show any significant differences from var. propinqua.