Coprosma cuneata sensu Hook.f.
Type locality: "Summit of the hill above Rendezvous Harbour" Auckland Id. Type: K, J. D. Hooker.
Scrambling or suberect, up to c. 2 m. tall, us. shorter; branches slender, ± divaricate, bark dark brown; branchlets ± interlacing, very slender, pubescent. Lvs fascicled on very short branchlets. Stipules triangular, pubescent, obtuse to subacute, ciliolate with long tuft at apex. Lamina rigid, coriac., dark green above, paler below, narrow-cuneate, us. ± arcuate, (5)-9-16 × (1)-2-(3·5) mm., retuse or sts rounded, occ. mucronulate, gradually narrowed to base; margins thickened, recurved. Midrib and sts secondary veins evident, at least below. Fls solitary on arrested branchlets. Drupe clear red, globose. 3-(5) mm. diam.
DIST.: A., C., Ant.
The type consists of 3 pieces with rather stout divaricate densely lfy branchlets. Lamina ± 15 × 2 mm.