Cuscuta suaveolens
ζ*C. suaveolens Ser. ζ*, lucerne dodder, has been collected at Lincoln, Canterbury and Port Underwood, Marlborough. The latter is the type and only collection of C. suaveolens var. densiflora (Hook. f.) Yuncker. It is said to differ from the typical var. only in the shorter and blunter corolla lobes. However, although Allan (1961) accepted it as indigenous, this is most unlikely because the sp. usually parasitises Medicago sativa, lucerne, elsewhere and has been introduced to many temperate countries with this host. C. suaveolens is easily distinguished from the other spp. treated here by the lax raceme of fls. It has also been recorded in N.Z. as C. hassaica and C. racemosa. (Chile, 1883).