Pleurophyllum criniferum Hook.f.
P. hombronii Decne in Voy. Pôle Sud. 1853, 36.
Albinia oresigenesa Homb. et Jacq. ex Decne loc. cit. 37, t. 4.
Type locality: "low ground" Campbell Id. Type: K, J. D. Hooker.
Radical lvs ascending, up to > 1m. long including petiole; lamina of diverse shape, us. of oblong-ovate to broadly lanceolate order, clad below in thin appressed white tomentum, above in scattered setose and moniliform hairs, submembr.; ribs up to 20, less prominent than in P. speciosum; margins rather distantly and obscurely crenate with conspicuous linear hydathodes. Scapes stout, grooved, up to 2 m. tall; lower lvs linear-oblong, diminishing to linear bracts. Capitula c. 15-30, in elongate racemes; ray-florets short, inconspicuous; disk-florets purple. Phyll. acuminate, ciliate. Achenes densely strigose. Pappus-hairs slightly thickened at tips.
DIST.: A., C., Ant. Coastal and lower montane peaty herbfield.
FL. 12-2. FT. 1-5.