Var. sinclairii.
Type locality: S. Gordon's Knob, Nelson. Type: K, Gordon's Nob, D. Monro, 160.
Plant ± glandular-pubescent to nearly glab. Stock rather stout, simple to multicipital. Lvs all in radical rosettes; lamina ± 2.5-7·5 cm. long, subcoriac. to submembr., oblong-spathulate to narrowly obovate-spathulate, irregularly subpinnatifidly lobed; petioles narrow to rather broad. Scapes solitary to few per rosette, (5)-10-15-(20) mm. long, slender, ± glandular-pubescent towards capitula; bracts 2-0, minute, linear. Capitula 6-15 mm. diam.; receptacle convex. Phyll, narrow-oblong to lanceolate, up to c. 5 mm. long, minutely glandular-pubescent to glab.; margins ciliolate to erose. Ray-florets white, sts mauve- to pink-flushed, up to c. 10 mm. long. Achenes 1-2 × 0·5-1 mm., compressed, us. slightly glandular; margins slightly thickened. Pappus of minute to rather stout bristles.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland to occ. in lower subalpine grassland and herbfield from East Cape southwards, local in N.
FL. 10-12. FT. 12-(4).
The Gordon's Knob population may be represented by a specimen in W, collected by Petrie 5/2/1910. Stock stout, simple or sparingly branched. Lamina obovate in outline, ± 10-20 × 7 mm.; lobes obovate-oblong, terminal one again lobulate; lower lobes pinnately arranged, decreasing downwards to minute segs. Petiole short, semiamplexicaul. Scapes solitary, slender, us. nude, up to c. 10 cm. long, slightly glandular-pubescent. Capitula c. 10-15 mm. diam.; receptacle slightly convex; phyll, subglab., purple-tipped, oblong, c. 2-3 mm. long. Ray-florets conspicuous, 7-8 mm. long. Achenes obovate-oblong, stramineous, glab., margins thickened; 1·5-1·75 × 0·5-0.75 mm. Pappus of few minute distinct bristles.