Myosotis petiolata Hook.f. var. petiolata
Type locality: "Alluvial banks of a river, near Eparaima" [near Patangata]. Type: K, Colenso "i 1936". All specimens in Herb. Colenso at W are of this kind, including a flowering stem and lvs attached to label "1936".
Plants slender, lamina of rosette-lvs often < 1·5 × 1 cm. but reaching 3·5×2.5 cm. Corolla 6-8 mm. diam., tube rather wide, scales about at level of calyx-tips; filaments long and anthers often exserted beyond corolla; style up to 3 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate.
DIST.: N. East Cape, W.L. Williams; Hawke's Bay(Eparaima, Aropauanui R., Colenso; Ruahine Mts, east side, H. Hill; Patangata, limestone gullies, H. Tryon. S. Nelson, Upper Takaka River, "forest floor, 3000 feet", J.A. Hay; Mt. Arthur(Asbestos Track, E.M. Heine.