Myosotis petiolata Hook.f.
Rosettes often elongated and vegetative laterals sts 10 cm. or more long. Rosette-lvs differing greatly in size on different plants (e.g. 6 × 2 mm. to 8 × 2.5 cm.), lamina orbicular to broad-elliptic, tip broad, us. apiculate, sts retuse; hairs short, straight, stiff, appressed, us. widely spaced, similar on both surfaces, longer spreading hairs fringing the sheathing If-base. Lateral branches often ∞, ascending to erect, 6-30 cm. long; internodes = or > lvs. Stem-lvs broad to narrow oval, upper ones sessile, apiculate; hairs similar to those of rosette-lvs, rather closely appressed round margin. Cymes us. simple, ebracteate, ∞-fld, 4-12 cm. long or more; internodes > calyx in fr.; pedicels (3)-5-8 mm. long. Calyx 2-4-(5) mm. long, lobed almost to base, lobes very narrow, acute, spreading in fr.; hairs stiff and short like those on lvs, us. sparse except at base. Corolla white, 6-15 mm. diam., lobes ± oblong, spreading; filaments long, fixed about level of scales, anthers < 1 mm. long; style much > calyx in fr. Nutlets broadly ovoid, c. 1·6X1·2 mm.
DIST.: N. Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay. S. Nelson.
FL.- FT. 10-3.