Myosotis petiolata var. pottsiana L.B.Moore
Type: BD 87624, A.P. Druce, 21 Oct. 1956; cultivated at Pinehaven.
Plants rather openly branched, lamina of rosette-lvs 1·5-2.5×1-1·7 cm. Corolla c. 9-12 mm. diam., tube more nearly cylindric and up to twice as long as wide, scales far above calyx-tips; stamens shorter than corolla; style c. 2 × calyx in fr., stigma clavate.
DIST.: N. Bay of Plenty. Known only from the type locality, a tributary of the Otara River, near Opotiki.
The var. is named after Mr. Norman Potts of Opotiki who brought plants into cultivation and distributed them to several gardens where they have maintained their characteristics through several generations from seed.