Schizeilema haastii var. cyanopetalum (Domin) Cheeseman
S. haastii subsp. cyanopetalum Domin loc. cit.
Plant slender. Petioles ± 6 cm. long; lamina glab. to strigose, 10-15 × 15-20 mm. Foliaceous involucral bracts on petioles c. 1 cm. long, lamina up to c. 6 mm. diam. Umbels c. 2 cm. diam.
DIST.: Not recorded south of c. lat. 44º. Domin does not indicate a type, but says, " Auf den Südinsel auf mehreren Stellen."
Cheeseman (loc. cit.) remarks: [Domin( "describes it as possessing 'blue petals'. This I believe to be incorrect so far as the fresh state is concerned, but I have frequently noticed the petals to take on a bluish tinge when drying." This also occurs occ. with var. haastii, and a change from white to pink has been noticed on drying specimens of Notothlaspi australe. The question needs further study.
Colenso (T.N.Z.I. 23, 1891, 386) described his Pozoa elegans from 4 flowering pieces collected by H. Suter from one plant, gathered in 1890 on "Sealy Range, altitude 6000 ft., the complete plant forming a big bunch or rosette with many flowers." The type, in W, is well-preserved, and shows no definite characters separating it from S. haastii var. haastii. Colenso gives, "Flowers rather large for plant, showy, dark purple". The original petal-colour is not now determinable.