Kirkianella novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Allan f. novae-zelandiae
Taproot stout, sts multicipital. Lvs 10-15 cm. long or more, including flattened petiole. Lamina membr., glab., lyrate, bright green; terminal lobe 3-5 × 2-3 cm., sinuately shallowly to rather deeply distantly lobu-late; lobules rounded, apiculate; lateral lobes diminishing from 1 cm. to 1 mm. long, confluent, merging into winged petiole. Scapes up to 15 cm. or more long, slender, sparingly tomentose, becoming glab. except near capitulum, furnished with c. 5 linear, distant bracts tomentose at base; glandular hairs few or absent. Capitula c. 1·5 cm. long, 1-1·5 cm. diam. Florets c. 30. Outer phyll. 3-5 mm. long; inner ovate-oblong, up to 15 mm. long; all ± densely clad on back in white tomentum and glandular hairs; tips glab., dark, finely toothed. Fertile achenes c. 3 mm. long, narrowed slightly to base, glab., primary ribs prominent. Pappus-hairs up to c. 8 mm. long, minutely barbellate in upper portion, flattened towards base.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland to subalpine rocky places and grassland. Exact distribution uncertain. The description is drawn up from specimens collected on Dore Pass, between the head of Lake Te Anau and the Eglinton Valley. Probably the specimen in K, "Canterbury, N.Z. Riverbed 2-3000 ft. 1862, J. Haast 727" should be selected as the lectotype of the sp.