Ourisia glandulosa Hook.f.
Type locality: "Otago, lake district, alpine, alt. 5000 ft., forming large patches". Type: K, Hector and Buchanan, 1864-65.
Stem 2-3mm.diam., glab., rooting along its length and us. hidden by distichously imbricate horizontal lvs. Lamina ± coriac., c. 8-10 × 5-8mm., obovate, narrowing gradually into short broad petiole; margins almost entire or with 1- 2small notches on each side; undersurface glab., upper surface with long hairs (up to 20 cells) us. produced only near margins and wearing off as lf ages. Peduncle erect, c. 8 cm. tall, hairs long and us. gland-tipped, one or occ. 2 pairs of sessile cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts in us. 2-3 pairs, obovate, entire; adaxial surface glab. or with a few long tapering hairs, abaxial surface with ∞ long glandular hairs ± mixed with tapering ones. Pedicels at first < corolla, elongating to 2 cm. in fr., clad in multicellular hairs, many or all of them gland-tipped. Calyx 6-7 mm. long, unevenly divided; lobes broad, obtuse, hairs ∞, long, and many gland-tipped. Corolla 1·5-2 cm. diam., glab. outside.
DIST.: S. Garvie and Rock and Pillar Ranges to mountains near Kurow, Lake Wanaka and Lake Wakatipu; Mt. Nimrod, Hunters Hills, A. P. Barker. Herb-field, 1200 to 1800 m. altitude.
FL. 11-3. FT. 12-4.
Recorded by Hooker (Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1867, 739) from "Lake Guyon range, Waiau, 3500 ft., on rocky ground, Travers" but this specimen, like many others so named from Nelson and Marlborough, has the upper lf-surface fully hairy and belongs rather in the O. sessilifolia complex.