Ourisia caespitosa Hook.f.
Euphrasia hectori Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 56, 1926, 15.
Stem prostrate and rooting at nodes, much and often closely branched, c. 2 mm. diam., glab. or with some retrorse hairs. Lvs us. crowded, often distichously arranged; lamina coriac. to almost fleshy, broad- to narrow-spathulate to almost oblong, with 0-1-2-(3) notches on each side, glab., margins slightly thickened or revolute; petiole < lamina, the wide membr. wing fringed with long hairs. Peduncle erect, up to 10 cm. tall, glab. Bracts in 1-3-(4) pairs, narrow, subentire or notched. Pedicels > fls glab. Calyx split anteriorally almost to base, the other clefts us. shorter; lobes broad, obtuse to retuse, entire, glab. Corolla glab. outside.