Myosotis eximia Petrie
Type locality: "Limestone bluffs and talus slopes of Mount Aorangi (Mangaohane Station), Ruahine Range, 3,900 ft." Type: W, 2420, B.C. Aston, 25/12/14.
Rosette-lvs ∞, us. not bunched into very tight rosette, up to 10×1·5 cm. (in dwarfed plants only 10×2 mm.), petiole slender, almost = lamina-length, sheathing at base; lamina elliptic, tip apiculate; hairs short, straight, stiff, closely appressed but rarely touching one another, on undersurface fewer or sts almost absent on old lvs. Lateral branches ascending, up to 25 cm. long, lfless below cyme, lower internodes us. < lvs. Stem-lvs up to 25×7 mm., elliptic, apiculate, sessile, hairs similar to those on rosette-lvs but a little longer. Cymes simple or forked, ebracteate, c. 12-fld, up to 3 cm. long; internodes < calyx in fr.; pedicels up to 2-4 mm. Calyx 5-6 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, narrow and acute, hairs short, stiff, sparse and appressed. Corolla white, c. 15 mm. diam., tube c. 4 mm. long with vertically elongated scales at mouth, flaring above into wide funnel-shape with shallow lobes c. 5×3 mm.; filaments long, reaching to level of lobes; anthers 2 mm. long; style 2-3 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets rounded, oval, c. 3 × 1·7 mm.
DIST.: N. Ruahine Range; Kaimanawa Range, A.P. Druce. On cliffs, us. of limestone, 480-1260 m. altitude.
FL. 12-1 (10-11 in cultivation). FT. 2-4.