Var. glabrata
P. attenuata A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 2, 1839, 125.
Type locality: "on the hills, among fern, Bay of Islands.(1834, R. Cunningham". Also collected in Thames Valley, D. Petrie. Type: BM, R. Cunningham, 1834.
Stems up to 35 cm. long, slender, finely grooved, glab. to sparingly clad in weak hairs, sparingly branched. Basal lvs 5-8 cm. long, oblanceolate to linear-attenuate, cuneately narrowed to petiole about ═ lamina, membr.; surfaces glab. or with scattered weak hairs; margins ciliate. Upper lvs few, ovate to linear, acute to subacute. Capitula few; inner phyll. c. 9 mm. long; achenes c. 1 mm. long, pappus-hairs up to 7 mm. long.