ζCoprosma Forster et Forster f. ζ is by far the most important indigenous genus numerically and ecologically in the family in N.Z. Its members range from prostrate, sprawling or mat-forming subshrubs, erect shrubs to trees and are prominently represented in many communities of modified and naturalised vegetation, including parks, plantations, waste places and gardens, where a few spp. regenerate freely, especially C. repens and C. robusta. There has been some revision of Allan's (1961) treatment of the genus. L. B. Moore and R. Mason, New Zealand J. Bot. 12: 137-148 (1974), described C. talbrockiei from N.W. Nelson; this sp. is unusual in having lvs in whorls of 3, and ⚥ fls. Moore, in Moore and Mason (loc. cit.), also raised C. petriei var. atropurpurea to sp. rank as C. atropurpurea (Cockayne et Allan) L. Moore. Orchard, A. E., Brunonia 9: 119-138 (1987), revised the C. pumila complex. Druce, A. P., in Connor, H. E. and Edgar, E., New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 142 (1987), recommended further taxonomic changes.