Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Jasminum L.


Erect shrubs, scramblers or lianes, usually evergreen. Shoots generally angled and green. Lvs generally opposite, sometimes alternate, imparipinnate or simple; leaflets entire. Fls usually in terminal or axillary, bracteate cymes, sometimes solitary, ⚥, often fragrant. Calyx 4-9-lobed, campanulate or funnelform, often minute. Corolla 4-9-lobed, convolute in bud, usually salverform with a narrow-cylindric tube, generally white, sometimes yellow, pink or red. Stamens 2, included, epipetalous; filaments short. Style short or long; stigma ± 2-lobed. Fr. a 2-lobed berry, usually black, each carpel with 1-2 seeds.


Plant erect, suberect or ± rambling; fls yellow
Plant scrambling or lianoid; fls white, pink or reddish
Lvs alternate; fls single
Lvs opposite; fls semi-double
Lvs simple; fls deep pink or ± crimson
Lvs pinnate; fls white, sometimes pink or purple outside
Cymes with up to 10 fls; calyx teeth 4-7 mm long
Cymes with > 10 fls, aggregated in panicles; calyx teeth c. 2 mm long

c. 300 spp., mostly Old World tropics and subtropics. Naturalised spp. 5.

With the exception of the rarely cultivated J. beesianum, all Jasminum spp. grown outside in N.Z. have compound lvs; simple lvs are often found in tropical spp.

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