Elytranthe (Blume) Blume
Fls perfect, cymosely arranged; outer tepals reduced to truncate or toothed rim to receptacle; inner connivent to connate into tube, splitting into 5-6, us. highly coloured segs. Anthers basifixed, style filiform, stigma clavate to capitate. Ovary adnate to receptacle, ± 2-several-celled. Fr. globose to broad-cylindric. Hemiparasitic shrubs with us. opp., coriac. lvs. About 50 spp. from India to Malaya, Polynesia, Australia. The N.Z. spp. endemic.
Infl. (5)-10-15-fld; tepals orange-yellow, not > 2 cm. long; lvs (2)-3-5-(6·5) × (0·5)-0.7-1-(1·5) cm.