Cladonia cornuta (L.) Hoffm.
Lichen cornutus L., Sp. Pl.: 1152 (1753).
Primary squamules sparse, usually disappearing, 3-8 × 1-4 mm, irregularly lobed, sinuate or crenate or incised-crenate, ascending, upper surface glaucescent to olive-green, lower surface white, esorediate or rarely with lower surface sparsely granular. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, slender, 20-160 mm tall, to 5 mm diam., cylindrical, tapering, without cups, or cups when present very narrow, 2-4 mm wide, gradually or abruptly flaring, interior closed, margins entire or proliferating. Cortex continuous to areolate in lower parts, areolae forming a regular grey-white mottled meshwork, smooth, sorediate in patches towards apices, soredia farinose, often covering tips of podetia, grey to grey-brown. Apothecia at cups margins, rarely at apices of podetia, brown, red-brown or pale, to 4 mm wide, perforate or clustered. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red or orange-red. Fumarprotocetraric, ± protocetraric, ± ursolic acids.
N: Mt Moehau, Coromandel Peninsula. S: Nelson, east and west of Main Divide to Fiordland. Mainly subalpine, on earth, rotting logs, in scrub and in tussock grassland.