Cladonia bacillaris Genth.
Primary squamules persistent, small, to 3 mm long, crenate to lobed, upper surface glaucescent to olive-glaucescent or grey-green, lower surface white, darker at base, without soredia, or sorediate at margins and on lower side. Podetia growing from upper side of primary squamules, 10-20(-50) mm tall, ± terete, broadening slightly towards blunt tip, apices club-shaped, rarely pointed, without cups. Cortex ± continuously farinose-sorediate, greenish to grey, corticate at base, white after dispersal of soredia. Apothecia red, small, to 2 mm diam., embedded in tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC- or yellowish, Pd-. Barbatic, 4-O-demethyl-barbatic, ± didymic, ± usnic acids.
S: Throughout, s.l. to 1300 m, on peaty soil, rotting logs in grassland, dead litter in shade of tussocks and on coastal soils.
Nomenclatural problems in C. bacillaris are outlined by Ahti [ Lichenologist 12: 130 (1980)].