Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Cladonia didyma (Fée) Vain.

C. didyma (Fée) Vainio, Acta Soc. Faun. Fl. fenn. 4: 137 (1887).

Scyphophorus didymus Fée, Essai cryptog. Écorc. exot. Officin.: CI (1825).

Primary squamules persistent or disappearing, 2-4 mm long, crenulate or lobulate-laciniate, narrow (0.5 mm wide), upper surface glaucous to olivaceous, lower surface chalky white, darker at base, flat, appressed or reflexing when dry, exposing lower surface, esorediate, rarely with isidia. Podetia terete, lacking cups, 10-50 mm tall, fertile at tips, or sterile and tapering, blunt or acute, fine soredia and coarser granules, scattered or crowded. Cortex patchy for the most part, cartilaginous layer exposed and varying from white to pale or dark brown and translucent, sometimes with scattered squamules. Apothecia red, to 2 mm diam., at tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ orange, Pd-. Barbatic and didymic acids.

N: Volcanic Plateau to Wellington. S: Marlborough (Wairau Valley), Westland (Lake Kaniere) Southland (Forest Hill, Kuriwao, Awarua Bay). On peat, soil and dead wood.


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