Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Cladonia capitata (Michx.) Spreng.

C. capitata (Michaux) Sprengel in Linn., Syst. orb. veg. ed. 16, 4: 271 (1827).

Helopodium capitatum Michaux, Fl. bor.-Am. 2: 329 (1803).

Primary squamules persistent, small, ± circular, undivided, margins entire or subcrenate, scattered or crowded, convex above, in shaded habitats larger and looser, 3 × 1 mm, variously divided, whitish or pale bluish-green on the upper surface, whitish below, fragile. Podetia growing from primary squamules, slender, (3-) 10-20 mm tall, 1-5 mm diam., terete, simple or sparingly branched, entire or vertically fissured. Cortex verruculose and dispersed granular-corticate, green, decorticate areas becoming translucent. Apothecia large, terminal, bulging, wider than supporting podetium, pale or dark brown. Chemistry: K+ brownish or red-brown, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid.

N: East Coast (Rotorua). S: Westland, Fiordland and coastal Otago. On heath soils, decaying logs and in grassland.


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