Cladonia deformis (L.) Hoffm.
Lichen deformis L., Sp. Pl.: 1152 (1753).
Primary squamules usually disappearing, small to medium, 2-4 mm, incised, crenate or lobate, flat to convex or involute, upper surface glaucescent to yellowish, lower side white to pale or dark brown, esorediate, or lower surface sparingly sorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules 25-85 mm tall and to 5 mm diam., cups gradually flaring, ± regular, margins entire or dentate to proliferate with blunt or cup-bearing proliferations, cups imperforate, yellow to yellow-green or glaucescent with a greyish tinge, the base ± smooth, corticate, else-where entirely farinose-sorediate, sparsely squamulose, decorticate parts opaque whitish where soredia are dispersed. Subulate podetia rarely present. Apothecia red, sessile on cup margins. Chemistry: K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Usnic, ± barbatic acids, zeorin.
N: National Park and east of Volcanic Plateau. S: Otago -Southland in eastern coastal districts (Swampy Hill to Awarua Bay). On peaty soils, in Leptospermum heath, on rotting logs in grassland.
C. deformis is distinguished from C. sulphurina by the absence of squamatic acid, the smaller primary squamules, more regular podetial cups, and fewer longitudinal fissures in the podetial walls.