Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl.
Type : Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. [=Lichen physodes L.]
Description : Flora (1985: 189).
Hypogymnia, included in the family Parmeliaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005), is a genus of c. 86 species worldwide (Bruce McCune, pers. comm.; Kirk et al. (2001) record only 45 species, which is too low an estimate), of which eight are recognised from New Zealand (Elix 1980, 1992). In recent years, Hypogymnia was most widely studied in Asia, western North America and Australia. For accounts of the genus in North America see Krog (1968), Ohlsson (1973), Pike & Hale (1982), Goward (1988), Goward & McCune (1993), Goward et al. (1994b) and McCune (2002). Asian (including China and Japan) populations are discussed by Nuno (1964), Awasthi (1984), Wei (1991), Yoshida & Kashiwadani (2001), McCune & Obermayer (2001) and McCune et al. (2003). Australian species are treated by Filson (1970); Elix (1980, 1992); Elix & Jenkins (1989) and Kantvilas et al. (2002).