Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Hypogymnia kosciuskoensis

H. kosciuskoensis Elix, Brunonia 2 (2): 194 (1980) ["1979"].

Description : Flora (1985: 191).

Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow; medulla KC+ red, Pd ±red; containing atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic acid (major), 3-hydroxyphysodic acid (minor), alectoronic acid, 2'- O -methylphysodic acid, physodalic acid and protocetraric acid (present or absent) (Elix 1992: 205).

N: South Auckland (Taupo – W. Colenso). S: Otago (Mt Brewster Haast Pass, Ocean Peak Humbolds Mts, French Ridge West Matukituki Valley, Pisa Ra., Dunstan Mts, Old Man Ra., Mt Ida, Maungatua, Blue Mts), Southland (Mt Luxmore Lake Te Anau). St: (Mt Anglem). On rock outcrops and Dracophyllum scrub in subalpine to high-alpine habitats. Known also from high-alpine habitats in Australia (Elix 1980, 1992; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Illustrations : Elix (1980: 196, fig. 6).

Hypogymnia kosciuskoensis is characterised by: the saxicolous/corticolous habit; the placodioid, contiguous, compact tubular lobes; the brown-black or grey (with black variegations) upper surface; and lobulate–isidioid projections centrally.

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