Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Olearia virgata var. serpentina (G.Simpson) Allan

Var. serpentina (Simpson) Allan comb. nov. 

O. serpentina Simpson in T.R.S.N.Z. 75, 1945, 200.

Type locality: "stunted forest, summit of Mount Duppa, Nelson". Type: BD 62942, G. Simpson.

Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets stiff, divaricating, tetragonous; lvs fascicled, c. 6 × 2 mm., obovate-oblong, obscurely mucronate, coriac., glab. above when mature, below clad in silvery tomentum, on petioles c. 1 mm. long. Capitula in fascicles of 2-6 on pedicels up to 3 mm. long; phyll. in 3-4 series, pubescent-pilose on back; florets 4-8; achenes pubescent at tips.

DIST.: S. Nelson-Marlborough, frequent on "Mineral Belt".

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