Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Pittosporum tenuifolium Sol. ex Gaertn.

P. tenuifolium Sol. ex Gaertn. Fruct. 1, 1788, 286.

Trichilia monophylla A. Rich. Essai Fl. N.Z. 1832, 306, t. 34 bis.


Tree up to ± 8 m. tall; trunk up to 3-(4) dm. diam.; bark dark; branchlets and young lvs ± pubescent. Lvs alt., on short petioles. Lamina oblong to oblong-ovate to elliptic-obovate, obtuse to acute or occ. acuminate, (1)-3-(7) × (0·5)-1-2 cm., entire, thinly coriac., ± undulate; us. rather pale green above, lighter below. Fls somewhat fragrant, axillary, solitary or in small cymes on short pedicels; bracts soon falling. Sepals narrowly ovate-oblong, subacute to obtuse, silky-hairy when young. Petals very dark red (almost black), ± 12 mm. long; limb spreading, at length reflexed. Ovary hairy, style rather long, Capsules ± 12 mm. diam., 2-valved, subglobose; valves glab., rugulose when mature, thinly woody, nearly black when mature.

DIST.: N., S. Common from near North Cape southwards in coastal to lower montane forest, absent west of divide in S.

FL. 10-11. FT. 1-3.

This and the next sp. are complexes with ∞ ill-defined forms, and are badly in need of detailed study. Kirk (Stud. Fl. 1899, 47) places P. colensoi and fasciculatum as vars. He has a subvar. cymosum of the latter: "Leaves . . . more membranous . . . Pedicels longer. Sepals longer, lanceolate-subulate, tomentose . . . Anaura, East Cape (with large leaves); Takeke, Waikare (leaves small). Bishop Williams!"

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