Pittosporum Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
Fls perfect to unisexual by abortion, panicled to umbellately arranged or in fascicles, or solitary. Ovary 2-5-celled, style short; ovules few to ∞, sts aborted. Fr. a globose to ovoid or obovoid capsule with solitary to ∞ seeds; valves 2-5, us. woody or leathery, crowned by hardened remains of style; seeds often immersed in viscid fluid. Trees and shrubs with alt. to subverticillate lvs. Genus of some 160 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical southern hemisphere; the N.Z. spp endemic.
- A.
- Plants with strongly heteroblastic development; capsules 2-valved
- 1.
- 2.
- Plants remaining shrubby; infl. terminal
- a.
- Infl. strictly terminal; umbels 2-8-fld, fls occ. solitary:
- pimeleoides,michiei
- b.
- Infl. terminal on short arrested branchlets, occ. axillary
- i.
- Capsules submembr., seeds not immersed in viscid fluid but covered by papery membrane:
- anomalum
- ii.
- Capsules coriac. or woody; seeds ± immersed in viscid fluid; papery membrane not well-developed:
- obcordatum,rigidum,crassicaule,divaricatum,lineare
- B.
- Plants of monoblastic development
- 1.
- Fls axillary, solitary; capsules 3-valved:
- tenuifolium 0. (fasciculatum,huttonianum),colensoi,buchananii
- 2.
- Infl. both axillary and terminal, fascicled or umbelled; capsules 2-3-valved:
- intermedium,fasciculatum,huttonianum
- 3.
- Infl. terminal, umbelled or fascicled, rarely solitary
- a.
- Infl. compound; capsules 2-valved; seeds covered by papery membrane
- i.
- Fls white, large; umbels congested; lvs serrate:
- dallii
- ii.
- Fls yellowish, small; umbels not congested; lvs entire:
- eugenioides
- b.
- Infl. of simple umbels or fascicles, rarely solitary
- i.
- Capsules 3-4-valved:
- crassifolium,ralphii,fairchildii
- ii.
- Capsules 2-3-valved
- α
- Plants epiphytic, rarely terrestrial
- (1)
- Capsules about elliptic in outline; lvs linear-obovate, very thick:
- kirkii
- (2)
- Capsules ovoid to obovoid; lvs of elliptic order, thinly coriac.:
- cornifolium
- ß
- Plants terrestrial:
- ellipticum,umbellatum
Lvs crowded, whorled or alt., apiculate; branchlets slender, flexuous, not divaricate
Lvs almost or quite as broad as long; petals pale red to yellowish or white, up to 5 mm. long
Mature plants with dimorphic lvs: (a) narrow-obovate to obovate (b) deeply lobed; capsule valves almost smooth, glab.
Mature plants with lvs all about obovate-oblong to broad-elliptic; capsule valves distinctly granulate, tomentose when young
Lvs, all or most, not > 1 cm. long, mostly in alt. fascicles; fls terminal on short arrested branchlets bearing fascicles of lvs
Bark black; lvs c. 7·5-12.5 cm. long; fls axillary, solitary or in axillary and terminal cymes
Infl. a compound umbel; fls yellowish, small; lvs glossy, margins undulate, midrib pale
Infl. of dense fascicles; peduncles, bracts and sepals densely hoary tomentose; ripe peduncles decurved
Lvs submembr.; sepals obtuse; peduncles glab. to silky pubescent; capsules < 1·5 cm. diam.
Lvs coriac.; sepals acute; peduncles clad in loose white tomentum, capsules c. 2 cm. diam.
Plant epiphytic or on rocks; lvs, at least some, whorled; valves orange-yellow within
Bark black, lvs 7·5-12.5 cm. long; capsules downy at first, later with finely granulate surface, 3- or rarely 2-valved
Bark brown, lvs 5-7·5 cm. long; capsules nearly glab., with rough surface, 3-4-valved
Lvs very thick, coriac., narrow-obovate, 5-12 cm. long including petiole; fls yellow, sepals and petals acuminate; capsules elliptic-oblong to elliptic-obovoid, c. 3-4 cm. long; plant us. glab.
Plant epiphytic or on rocks, occ. surviving on forest floor; lvs, all or most, whorled; capsules < 1·5 cm. diam., valves orange-yellow within
Lvs of young trees multiform, of narrow-lanceolate order, entire to pinnatifid; lvs of mature trees 2.5-5 cm. long; capsules c. 1·5 cm. diam. or less
Lvs of young trees not multiform, of elliptic order, entire, 5-10 cm. long; capsules c. 1·7 cm. diam. or more
Capsules 2-3-valved, not at all tetragonous, valves not deeply furrowed; fls dark red
Juvenile plant with densely divaricating branchlets; lvs of adults 1-4 cm. long, narrow-obovate, gradually narrowed to subsessile base; capsules not > c. 7 mm. diam.
Juvenile plant with ascending not divaricate branchlets; lvs of adults 3-5 cm. long, narrow-oblong, gradually narrowed to short petiole; capsules up to 1 cm. diam.
Plant epiphytic or on rocks; lvs mostly whorled, elliptic-rhomboid; capsules < 1·5 cm. diam., valves orange-yellow within
Plant terrestrial; lvs alt., obovate; capsules c. 2 cm. diam.; valves not orange-yellow within