We are grateful to colleagues from many institutions in several countries for specialist information.
United Kingdom: We are glad to have this opportunity to express our appreciation of the kind welcome and generous assistance extended to each of us by the late Dr C. E. Hubbard on visits to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and of his subsequent helpful correspondence. We also thank Dr W. D. Clayton and Dr S. A. Renvoize of Kew for invaluable discussion and are most grateful to Dr Renvoize for help with difficult specimens. Dr P. M. Smith, University of Edinburgh, kindly examined New Zealand specimens of Bromus and Mr E. J. Clement F.L.S. provided information on Sporobolus.
Europe: We have long corresponded with Dr J. F. Veldkamp, Rijks-herbarium, Leiden, on problems of taxonomy and nomenclature in grass genera common to New Zealand and Malesia; we thank him for much useful information. We also thank Professor Dr F. Albers, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, for permission to cite his chromosome counts of some New Zealand species of Deschampsia.
America: We are grateful to the late Dr T. R. Soderstrom and to Dr R. J. Soreng, Smithsonian Institution, for far-ranging discussion of relationships within Gramineae, and also to Dr M. E. Barkworth, Utah, in particular for her insight into Stipeae and Hordeeae. We also thank Dr S.G. Aitken, Ottawa for helpful discussion of Festuca and other genera. Dr O. Mattei and Dr M. Muñoz-Schick, Chile, examined New Zealand specimens of Bromus and gave us information on Bromus sect. Ceratochloa.
South Africa: Dr N. P. Barker, Rhodes University, and Professor H. P. Linder, Bolus Herbarium, assisted in discussions about austral Arundinoideae, and Dr G. A. Verboom, University of Cape Town, about tribe Ehrharteae.
Australia: Dr S. W. L. Jacobs, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, has for many years accorded us unfailing help and encouragement in our endeavour to clarify the taxonomy and nomenclature of closely related New Zealand and Australian grasses; we thank him for his friendship and for his careful refereeing of several revisions, sometimes at very short notice. For generous assistance and information we are indebted to Dr J. H. Ross, Melbourne, Dr B. K. Symon, Brisbane, and Drs T. D. Macfarlane and L. Watson, Western Australia.
New Zealand: We thank the many colleagues who have assisted us over the years in diverse ways. Our special debt to the late Mr A. P. Druce is clearly apparent in the very many pages of this Flora in which his name appears, as collector of type specimens, or of specimens requiring special mention because they add a new dimension to the diversity within a taxon. His wide-ranging collections of grass specimens at CHR provide a wealth of comparative material and his keen field observations led to the recognition of many new taxa.
To the late Dr M. B. Forde we are indebted for collaboration in the revision of Agrostis and Bromus, for reviewing the draft text of Lolium, as well as for much information on the distribution and spread of chloridoid and panicoid grasses within New Zealand. Her untimely death deprived us of a trusted and joyous source of information and inspiration.
We are especially grateful to Mr A. J. Healy for his expert knowledge of naturalised grasses gained over many years, and for sharing his recent observations of these plants; to Dr E. J. Godley, Director, Botany Division, DSIR, 1958-1980, for constant encouragement and for information on historical specimens collected from the Subantarctic Islands; to Dr W. Harris for his concern to promote the completion of the New Zealand Flora series; to Mr A. E. Esler and Mr W. R. Sykes, for detailed comments on a draft text of subfamilies Chloridoideae and Panicoideae; and to Dr E. H. C. McKenzie, for identification of fungal infections which may give rise to puzzling malformations. We also thank Mr Sykes for contributing the text for subfamily Bambusoideae and Mr M. I. Dawson for preparing the list of chromosome numbers.
For specimens, information and encouragement we are indebted to many colleagues; for information on grasses in North Island we especially thank Dr B. D. Clarkson, Mr E. K. Cameron, Mr P. J. de Lange, and Mr C. C. Ogle; for South Island we thank Dr G. W. Bourdôt, Mr S. Courtney, Mr G. T. Jane, Dr P. N. Johnson, Dr W. G. Lee, Professor A. F. Mark, Dr B. P. J. Molloy, Dr A. V. Stewart, Dr P. Wardle, Dr P. A. Williams, and Mr H. D. Wilson.
Herbaria: We have, during many trips abroad, enjoyed the hospitality of herbaria in Europe, the United Kingdom, North and South America, Asia, Israel, and Australia and express our thanks to the Directors and staff of these institutions which we visited to study type and critical specimens and to inspect grasses unknown to us: B, BM, BOG, BRI, CANB, CORD, FI, GOET, K, L, LE, LINN, MEL, MO, NSW, P, SGO, SI, UPS, US, W.
For the loan of type specimens and other collections we thank the Directors and Curators of the following herbaria in New Zealand and overseas: AK, AKU, BM, C, HO, K, L, LY, MPN, NSW, NZFRI, OTA, P, W, WAIK, WELT, Z. We greatly appreciate the assistance of Miss B. H. Macmillan, then at CHR, for facilitating all these loans and caring so meticulously for the specimens; and we also thank Dr M. J. Parsons, Herbarium Keeper, CHR, and his assistant, Miss K. A. Ford, for their kind help and support.
For technical assistance we thank especially Mrs B. A. Matthews who first helped us with this project and compiled an invaluable inventory of the protologues of all grass taxa described from New Zealand; we acknowledge the subsequent assistance of Mrs M. A. O'Brien, Miss J. Francis, Ms J. E. Shand, all Botany Division, and lastly of Ms E. S. Gibb, Landcare Research, who also helped us with editing the text and then went on to prepare it for printing.
We are deeply grateful to the late Mrs M. E. Blackmore, Librarian, Botany Division, DSIR, and latterly to Mrs M. Bowden, Librarian, Landcare Research and her staff, for bibliographic assistance. Dr I. Breitwieser, Mr M. I. Dawson, Miss K. A. Ford, Ms E. S. Gibb, Mr D. Glenny, Mr P. B. Heenan and Dr S. J. Wagstaff, all Landcare Research, helped to collate references for the Annals of Taxonomic Research.
Acknowledgments for illustrations to Ms S. B. Malcolm, Dr P. N. Johnson, Mr K. R. West, and Ms P. A. Brooke are made under that section of the Flora, and we thank Ms Brooke for the cover design.
We thank Miss A. White and former typists at the Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Lincoln, and Mrs W. Weller and her staff at Landcare Research, Lincoln, for typing draft text.
The co-operation of Mr G. I. Comfort, Manaaki Whenua Press, Landcare Research, Lincoln, and of The Caxton Press, Christchurch, is gratefully acknowledged.
Henry Connor wishes particularly to acknowledge the excellent technical support of A. H. MacRae and the late A. W. Purdie during the experimental studies on some of the grasses described in this Flora. He is appreciative of the University of Canterbury offering an intellectual home since 1982 to allow him to work on the Flora, firstly at the Centre for Resource Management, then directed by the late Dr J. A. Hayward, and latterly in the Department of Geography, where he is an Honorary Fellow.
In this final volume of Flora of New Zealand: Tracheophyta Elizabeth Edgar wishes to express her profound gratitude for the opportunity that was granted to her as an inexpert, untried, junior at Botany Division to collaborate with Dr L. B. Moore, Mr A. J. Healy and Dr H. E. Connor in the writing of three volumes of the Flora of New Zealand. To learn from and work with these outstanding dedicated botanists has been a tremendous privilege.