Gentiana cerina Hook.f.
G. campbellii Homb. et Jacq. ex Decne in Voy. Pôle Sud 1853, 22, t. 31c.
Type: K, J. D. Hooker.
Perennial; stems us. several to many, margined, stout, trailing or prostrate, us. much-branched; branches very lfy, ± 20-45 cm. long, ascending to suberect at tips. Basal lvs coriac., fleshy, shining; lamina obovate- to spathulate-oblong to linear-spathulate, (12)-20-40 × 8-10 mm., with 3 evident nerves, narrowed to broad flat petiole. Cauline lvs similar, 6-36 mm. long, on very short petioles. Fls several together, approximate, near ends of branches, 8-16 mm. long, sts laxly corymbose, subsessile or on very short slender pedicels. Calyx < or - corolla, cut 3/4 way or more into oblong or spathulate, obtuse, often recurved lobes. Corolla white or ± streaked with red or purple veins, broadly rotate-campanulate with oblong obtuse lobes c. 7 mm. wide.
DIST.: A. Rocky coastal to montane areas.