Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Gentiana tereticaulis Petrie

G. tereticaulis Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 49, 1917, 51.

Type: W, 2723, D. Petrie, 27.2.1921.

Erect annual with rather slender, simple, terete, very finely striate, margined stems 25-45 cm. long; internodes between cauline lvs 7-8 cm. long. Basal lvs few, thin, 3-5-nerved, reticulations evident; lamina 25-35 × 10-16 mm., narrow-ovate to ovate or occ. obovate, subacute, narrowed into thin flat petiole 15-20 mm. long or more. Lowest cauline lvs similar but shorter; upper in c. 4 pairs, ovate-cuneate to subcordate, sessile, ± 20 × 10 mm. Infl. a terminal 4-7-fld bracted umbel, with or without a few long-peduncled smaller umbels or solitary fls. Bracts lflike, subtending umbel. Calyx nearly 1/2 corolla-length, cut at least ⅔ way into linear-subulate 1-nerved subacuminate lobes. Corolla c. 16 mm. long, cut ⅔way into obovate rounded lobes.

DIST.: S. "Gentle grassy slopes at the foot of Lake Harris, Routeburn Valley, Lake County. This plant is intermediate between G. tenuifolia (mihi) and G. corymbifera T. Kirk."

There are 2 specimens on the type sheet. The population, as seen by me, appears to be uniform. Similar forms occur in lower parts of the drainage area of the Routeburn Valley.

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