Pertusaria allanii Zahlbr.
Type: New Zealand. North Auckland, Waiheke I., on coastal rock. H.H. Allan 98 pr. p., W - not seen.
Thallus thin, 0.8 mm thick, tartareous, dingy greyish, areolate-cracked, areolae subangular to subirregular, 0.2-1.0 mm diam., ± convex, appearing somewhat subsquamulose, cracks narrow, obscurely delimited at margins, saxicolous. Fertile verrucae whitish, sessile or ± constricted at base, round to irregular, swollen, to 6 mm diam., and 2.5 mm tall. Apothecia several to many per verruca, disc punctiform-impressed, black, epruinose. Asci oblong-clavate, 2-spored. Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid to ellipsoid, apices rounded or pointed, contents oily, 180-210 × 60-66 µm, wall 3 µm thick. Chemistry: K-, C-, KC-.