Pertusaria lavata Müll.Arg.
Holotype: New Zealand. Dr Knight 1883, G 638/3!
Thallus grey-white or pale greenish-grey, uniform, matt, areolate-cracked, areolae angular 0.2-0.6 mm diam., plane or minutely verrucose-irregular, saxicolous. Fertile verrucae scattered, smoothly rounded, hemispherical, 0.5-3.0 mm diam., ± shining, brownish-buff. Apothecia immersed, 1-3 per verruca, 0.2-0.4 mm diam., ostioles black, punctiform, minute. Asci clavate 8-spored, Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid with pointed ends, 78.3-120 × 30-43.5 µm, wall 8-13 µm thick. Chemistry: TLC, 4 unidentified compounds, one a xanthone charring UV+ citrine yellow.
N: Known only from the type collection.
The type consists of 10 small fragments of rock with the following annotation in Knight's hand. "Pertusaria subverrucosa Nyl.? 13.12.74".