Pertusaria novaezelandiae Szatala
Holotype: Nova Zelandia: North Island: ad lac Waikare-Moana, supra cort. Podocarpi. 1932 J. Jablonszky, BP T 298!
Thallus glaucous green to fawnish or grey-green, continuous, wrinkled- plicate to ± papillate, delimited at margins by a thin, dark, wavy line of prothallus, spreading in patches, 3-5 cm diam., matt or shining, occasionally shallowly cracked to ± areolate, sorediate. Soralia in eroding papillae, devoid of hymenial elements, round, 0.05-0.8 mm diam., soredia white or grey-white, granular-farinose. Chemistry: Medulla K+ purple. Hypothamnolic acid.
N: Known from the type collection. S: Craigieburn State Forest, on mountain beech.