Pertusaria leucodes C.Knight
Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight 1.3.76, WELT Herb. Knight, Vol. 33, p. 5!
Thallus whitish-arachnoid, ± decorticate, effuse or poorly developed, in patches 1-3 cm diam., delimited at margins by a thin, wavy, black line of prothallus, ± entirely composed of fertile verrucae, corticolous. Fertile verrucae rounded to irregular, 2-8 mm diam. Apothecia 5-20 per verruca, discs ± sinuous, 0.05-0.6 mm diam., pale to dark brown, shining, epruinose. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores biseriate, oval-ellipsoid to ± cylindrical, apices pointed or rounded, contents granular, 55-70 × 22.1-27.2 µm, wall 5.1 µm thick, thickest at apices. Chemistry: K+ yellow, C-, Pd+ orange. Stictic acid.
N: Known only from the type collection on decorticated wood, but probably more widely distributed.