Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Pertusaria sorodes Stirt.

P. sorodes Stirton, Proc. phil. Soc. Glasg. 10: 297 (1877).

P. subcommunis Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 67 (1888).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Near Wellington. J. Buchanan, BM!

P. subcommunis. Lectotype: New Zealand. Westland, Greymouth. R. Helms 268 1886, H-NYL 22950!

Thallus pale olive-green or, greenish-grey to fawnish-green or yellowish-green, wrinkled-plicate to verrucose or papillate to areolate-cracked, matt, ± waxy, smooth in parts, in irregular patches, 2-5 cm diam., delimited at margins by a thin, wavy black line of prothallus, margins slightly plicate-radiate, corticolous. Fertile verrucae concolorous with thallus, raised, irregular, locally fused in deformed groups, 2-4(-8) mm diam. Apothecia immersed, 2-4(-8-10) per verruca, ostioles minute, punctiform, black or brown, surface of verrucae slightly puckered at ostiole, margins rounded, irregular, not splitting. Asci 2-spored. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid or oval, both ends round or one end pointed (120-)160-220 × 43-70 µm, wall 13-17 µm thick, radial zonation of inner wall conspicuous. Chemistry: TLC 2 unidentified compounds, one a xanthone charring UV+ citrine yellow, and ?perlatolic acid.

N: S: Widespread on bark of lowland forest trees and shrubs.


P. sorodes is the Southern Hemisphere counterpart species of P. pertusa and is probably also present in eastern Australia and Tasmania.

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