Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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ζhebe A.

ζHebe A. L. Juss.

ζHebe A. L. Juss. ζ Garnock-Jones, P. J. and Molloy, B. P. J., New Zealand J. Bot. 20: 391-399 (1983), have revised the H. amplexicaulis complex. Heads, M. J., Bot. Soc. Otago Newsletter 5: 4-11 (1987), placed 28 Hebe spp. and 2 Chionohebe spp. in a new genus Leonohebe Heads, described 1 new sp. in Hebe and Leonohebe, made a new combination in Chionohebe, and provided names for sects in Hebe and Leonohebe treated informally by L. B. Moore in Allan (1961).

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