ζchaenorrhinum (DC.)
ζ*Chaenorrhinum (DC.) Reichb. ζ* is a segregate genus distinguished from Linaria by the low corolla pouch which does not close the corolla mouth, and the capsules which dehisce by 2-3 apical pores. Two spp. have been collected in N.Z. * C. minus (L.) Lange, small toadflax, has been collected only once, from arable land in Christchurch in 1961. A small glandular annual with linear to narrow-elliptic lvs. Fls small, axillary in upper lf axils; pedicels very slender. Calyx c. 3 mm long. Corolla c. 7 mm long, mauve except for whitish pouch, with a cylindric spur c. 2 mm long; mouth open. Capsule broad-oblong to subglobose, 4-5 mm long, opening by pores. (Eurasia, 1981). * C. origanifolia (L.) Fourr. is almost certainly represented by a flowering specimen recently collected from a small population on a roadside bank in Nelson. A perennial, very distinct from C. minus, with lanceolate to elliptic or ovate-elliptic lvs; fls deep pink and c. 14 mm long to apex of upper lip (including cylindric curved spur c. 6 mm long). No capsules seen. (S.W. Europe, 1988).