Linaria Mill.
Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs simple, entire, sessile or nearly so, opposite or whorled, sometimes alternate above. Infl. composed of terminal bracteate racemes or spikes, rarely fls axillary and solitary; bracts small. Calyx usually deeply and unequally 5-lobed; adaxial lobe usually longest. Corolla with pouch closing mouth of tube; tube cylindric, spurred at base; limb 2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, included. Capsule ± globose; loculi equal, dehiscing by up to c. 10 longitudinal slits in the upper 1/2. Seeds numerous, discoid and mostly winged, sometimes elongated and wingless, small.
c. 150 spp., N. temperate, especially Mediterranean region. Naturalised spp. 9.
Fls of some spp. of Linaria are illustrated in Fig. 109.
Fig. 109. Fls of Linaria. A L. genistifolia subsp. dalmatica; B L. maroccana; C L. purpurea; D L. vulgaris. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X3M]