Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Spartina alterniflora Loisel.

S. alterniflora Loisel. Fl. Gall. 719  (1807).

American spartina

Robust perennials, (20)-50-100-(200) cm, with thick fleshy far-creeping rhizomes, forming rather open clumps. Leaf-sheath ± glabrous; cross-veinlets scattered, minute; margins often minutely ciliate below ligule. Ligule 1-2 mm, densely ciliate. Leaf-blade 8-45 cm × 6-15 mm, persistent, coriaceous, flat, glabrous, adaxially ribbed, much narrowed to fine hard tip. Culm erect, 8-30 mm diam. near base including closely ensheathing leaves. Panicles in N.Z. usually not developed, this description is from the two floriferous specimens seen: panicle c. 25 cm, erect, contracted; spikes 7-14, 5-7 cm; rachis of each spike glabrous, tipped by bristle 10-12 mm. Spikelets 14-17 mm, lanceolate, 1-flowered. Glumes very unequal, lanceolate, glabrous, subacute; lower slightly > ½ length of upper and much narrower, 1-3-nerved, upper = spikelet, 5-9-nerved. Lemma ≤ upper glume, 3-5-nerved, lanceolate, glabrous. Palea ≥ lemma, hyaline, glabrous. Anthers 3.5-6 mm. Caryopsis not seen.

N.: North Auckland, South Auckland, Poverty Bay, Wellington (Hutt R.). Estuaries, mostly around mid-tide.

Naturalised from North America.

Only 2 specimens have been seen in flower, CHR 252099 and CHR 252100, both from Kaipara Harbour C. R. Veitch 2.7.1975.

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