Gramineae Juss.
nom. altern. Poaceae Barnhart, 1895
- Spikelets 1-many-flowered, usually laterally compressed. Glumes 2-4; lemma 5-10-nerved, awnless or rarely shortly awned; lodicules 3, usually large; stamens 3-6, rarely more; hilum linear. Inflorescence a panicle, fascicle, raceme or spike. Perennials, woody or herbaceous. Leaves with membranous ligule; leaf-blade tessellate or not.
- 1. BAMBUSEAE (Bambusa, Chimonobambusa, Himalayacalamus, Phyllostachys, Pleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Sasa, Sasaella, Semiarundinaria)
- Spikelets 1-3-flowered, 2 lower Ø upper ⚥ or ♂ and ♀; laterally compressed; disarticulating above reduced or 0 glumes; lemma 5-10-nerved, awned or awnless; palea hyaline 0-7-nerved; lodicules 2 or 0; stamens 6-1; stigmas plumose branches to base or not. Inflorescence a panicle or raceme. Leaves with cross-veins or not.
- A.
- Inflorescence a panicle or sometimes a unilateral raceme. Spikelets 3-flowered with 2 lower florets Ø and reduced to lemmas, upper ⚥. Glumes 2, persistent, < or > florets. Palea hyaline, nerves 0, 1, 2 or rarely 3-5. Lodicules 2 or 0. Stamens 6 or 4, 3, 2, or 1.
- 2. EHRHARTEAE (Ehrharta, Microlaena, Zotovia)
- B.
- Inflorescence a panicle. Spikelets 1-flowered, ⚥, or 3-flowered with 2 lower florets Ø and reduced to lemmas, upper ⚥, or plant monoecious and spikelets unisexual. Glumes 0, or discernible as obscure lips at pedicel apex. Palea nerves 3-7, keel central. Lodicules 2. Stamens 6 sometimes fewer.
- 3. ORYZEAE (Leersia, Zizania)
- Spikelets 1-many-flowered, laterally compressed. Lemma several-nerved, awn apical or dorsal, or 0. Lodicules 2-3, membranous or hyaline. Stamens 3, rarely fewer. Stigmas usually 2. Caryopsis usually ellipsoid to fusiform; embryo ⅓-⅙ length of caryopsis; hilum linear to round. Herbs, usually with linear leaf-blades. Ligule membranous. Inflorescence usually a panicle or raceme.
- A.
- Ovary apex glabrous, or hairy without an appendage
- 1.
- 2.
- Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle. Spikelets 1-flowered. Glumes usually > floret. Lemma 5-9-nerved, rounded, membranous to crustaceous, terete to lenticular, awned. Lodicules 2 or 3.
- 5. STIPEAE (Achnatherum, Anemanthele, Austrostipa, Nassella, Piptatherum)
- 3.
- Inflorescence a panicle, sometimes a spike or unilateral raceme. Spikelets 2-many-flowered. Glumes usually ≤ lowest lemma. Lemma (3)-5-7-(13)-nerved, awned or awnless. Lodicules 2.
- 6. POEAE (Austrofestuca, Briza, Catapodium, Cynosurus, Dactylis, Festuca, Lolium, Poa, Puccinellia, Schedonorus, Vulpia)
- 4.
- Inflorescence a single bilateral raceme. Spikelets 1-2-flowered. Glumes appressed to rachis, usually exceeding and covering floret(s). Lemma 3-5-nerved, entire, awnless. Lodicules 2.
- 7. HAINARDIEAE (Hainardia, Parapholis)
- 5.
- 6.
- Inflorescence a panicle. Spikelets 1-several-flowered. Glumes usually > adjacent lemmas, often = spikelet. Lemma (3)-5-11-nerved, often with geniculate, dorsal awn. Lodicules 2, free.
- (a)
- Spikelets 1-flowered, ⚥.
- AGROSTIDINAE (Agrostis, Alopecurus, Ammophila, Deyeuxia, Dichelachne, Echinopogon, Gastridium, Lachnagrostis, Lagurus, Pentapogon, Phleum, Polypogon, Simplicia)
- (b)
- Spikelets 2-several-flowered
- (i)
- Spikelets with 2-several ⚥ florets, or occasionally with 1 ⚥ and 1 ♂ floret.
- AVENINAE (Aira, Amphibromus, Arrhenatherum, Avena, Deschampsia, Holcus, Koeleria, Trisetum)
- (ii)
- Spikelets 3-flowered, the 2 lower florets ♂ or Ø, the uppermost ⚥.
- PHALARIDINAE (Anthoxanthum, Hierochloe, Phalaris)
- B.
- Ovary capped by fleshy hairy appendage
- 1.
- 2.
- Inflorescence spike-like. Spikelets 5-20-flowered. Glumes < lowest lemma. Lemma 3-9-nerved, sometimes awned, apex entire. Lodicules 2, ciliate.
- 11. BRACHYPODIEAE (Brachypodium)
- 3.
- Inflorescence a single bilateral raceme, with spikelets alternate in 2 opposite rows, single or in groups of 2-3. Spikelets 1-many-flowered. Glumes shorter or narrower than lowest lemma leaving much of it exposed. Lemma 5-11-nerved, awnless or awned. Lodicules 2, ciliate.
- 12. HORDEEAE (Australopyrum, Elymus, Elytrigia, Hordeum, Leymus, Secale, Stenostachys, Thinopyrum, Triticum)
- Spikelets usually 2-many-flowered, sometimes 1-flowered, laterally compressed, with fragile rachilla; glumes 2, well-developed; lemma (1)-3-9-nerved; palea 2-nerved; lodicules 2, cuneate, fleshy, truncate; stamens 3, or 2; stigmas 2. Inflorescence usually a panicle. Ligule a line of hairs.
- A.
- Spikelets 2-several-flowered; florets all ⚥ or the lowest spikelet ♂ or Ø; lemma 3-7-nerved, ± acute or prolonged to a straight awn from tip. Glumes 3-5-nerved. Plants large, reed-like, leaves cauline. Inflorescence a large plumose panicle.
- 13. ARUNDINEAE (Arundo, Phragmites)
- B.
- Spikelets 2-several-flowered; florets ⚥ rarely unisexual; lemma entire or bilobed, with or without a straight or geniculate terminal awn, or awned from sinus. Plants tufted or tussock-forming. Inflorescence usually a small or large plumose panicle.
- 1.
- Florets usually ⚥; lemma nerves 7-9, anastomosing, bidentate or bilobed at apex, often with a central geniculate awn from sinus. Glumes 3-13-nerved. Plants tufted, or forming small to large tussocks, leaves mainly basal. Inflorescence variable from a single spikelet to a small or large plumose panicle.
- DANTHONIINAE (Chionochloa, Pyrrhanthera, Rytidosperma, Sieglingia)
- 2.
- Florets unisexual, or ⚥; lemma 3-nerved, bidentate and awned from sinus or drawn out to an awn from tip, awn straight. Glumes 1-nerved. Plants forming large tussocks, leaves mostly basal. Inflorescence a large plumose panicle.
- CORTADERIINAE (Cortaderia)
- Spikelet 1-flowered, rachilla prolongation absent; glumes 1-many-nerved; lemma 1-3-nerved, concealing palea, 3-awned apically with or without a column; inflorescence paniculate.
- 15. ARISTIDEAE (Aristida)
- Spikelets 1-flowered, or 2-many-flowered, laterally compressed; rachilla fragile; florets ⚥, or ♂ and ♀ on dioecious plants. Glumes 2, or rarely the lower minute or suppressed. Lemma 1-3-nerved. Palea 2-nerved. Lodicules 2, cuneate, fleshy, usually truncate. Stamens (1)-3. Stigmas 2. Caryopsis ovoid, fusiform or globose; pericarp adhering to seed or becoming loose; embryo large, often ⅓ - ¾ length of caryopsis; hilum punctiform or occasionally elliptic. Annual or perennial herbs. Ligule very variable, membranous, or membranous with a ciliate fringe, or a line of hairs. Leaf-blade linear or convolute. Inflorescence a panicle, or of 1 to several racemes.
- A.
- Spikelets with 1 ⚥ flower; inflorescence racemose, sometimes reduced to a single spikelet
- 1.
- Inflorescence of tough unilateral racemes, sometimes reduced to a single spikelet.
- 16. CHLORIDEAE (Chloris, Cynodon, Spartina, Zoysia)
- 2.
- B.
- Spikelets with many ⚥ flowers and inflorescence paniculate or racemose, or spikelets 1-flowered and inflorescence paniculate.
- 18. ERAGROSTIDEAE (Eleusine, Eragrostis, Sporobolus)
- Spikelets solitary, or paired, or in triplets, usually dorsally compressed, all alike, or differing in sex, size, shape and structure. Fertile spikelets usually 2-flowered, the lower floret ♂, Ø, or ⚥, the upper floret ⚥ or ♀; rachilla not prolonged; rarely plants dioecious. Glumes or upper lemma indurated. Lodicules 2, cuneate, fleshy, truncate. Stamens usually 3, rarely fewer. Stigmas usually 2. Caryopsis with large embryo. Ligule usually a membranous rim with dense ciliate fringe, but sometimes entirely membranous ( , , ) and occasionally suppressed ( ).
- A.
- Spikelets solitary, or in pairs or triplets on pedicels of equal length; glumes usually herbaceous or membranous, lower usually smaller and often suppressed, upper usually similar in size and texture to lemma of lower floret; lemma of upper floret varying in texture from papery to very tough and rigid
- 1.
- Spikelets falling entire at maturity.
- 19. PANICEAE (Axonopus, Cenchrus, Digitaria, Echinochloa, Entolasia, Oplismenus, Panicum, Paspalum, Pennisetum, Sacciolepis, Setaria, Spinifex, Stenotaphrum, Urochloa)
- 2.
- B.
- Spikelets in pairs or triplets with one sessile or shortly pedicelled, the other(s) longer pedicelled; glumes ± rigid, = spikelet and firmer than lemmas; lemma of upper floret hyaline or membranous, often awned.
- 21. ANDROPOGONEAE (Andropogon, Bothriochloa, Imperata, Miscanthus, Sorghum, )
(For genera present in New Zealand and represented by native or naturalised species)
Spikelets in pairs, or in triplets, one sessile or shortly pedicelled and the other(s) longer pedicelled; glumes ± rigid, firmer than lemmas
Spikelets solitary, or if in pairs or triplets then on pedicels of equal length; glumes herbaceous or membranous, similar to lemma of lower floret, less rigid than ± indurated lemma of upper floret
Lemmas of 2 lower florets scale-like (Phalaris), or lemmas well-developed, membranous to coriaceous, and awn dorsal or subapical
Lemma terete to gibbous, firmly membranous to crustaceous, usually enfolding and concealing palea; awn terminal
Ligule membranous, minutely ciliate; spikelets edgewise to rachis, glume 1; lateral nerves of lemma almost to tip
Ligule membranous, glabrous; spikelets broadside to rachis and glumes 2, or lateral nerves of lemma < ½ its length
Spikelets 2-(3)-flowered (rarely 3-6-flowered); upper glume exceeding adjacent floret, or awn dorsal, geniculate, recurved or straight, sometimes subapical or 0 (some Deschampsia, Koeleria)
Spikelets 2-many-flowered; upper glume usually ≤ adjacent floret and awn terminal, subapical or 0
Inflorescence a lax panicle; lemmas usually awned, apex bifid; lodicules glabrous
Inflorescence a spike-like panicle; lemmas sometimes awned, apex entire; lodicules ciliate
Lemma ± flat, nerves 7, parallel, prominent, usually not extending into wide hyaline upper margin; lodicules connate
Lemma basally thickened and cordate (Briza) or nerves 5-(7), usually extending to upper margin and midnerve often minutely excurrent (Puccinellia); lodicules free
Glumes 3-13-nerved; lemma 7-9-nerved
Glumes 1-nerved; lemma 3-nerved