Lagenophora Cass.
Capitula small, solitary, heterogamous, on nude or bracted scapes; receptacle nude, convex; phyll. in c. 2 rows, wholly or marginally dry and scarious. Ray-florets pistillate, ligulate, white to purple; disk-florets tubular, perfect or sts abortive. Anthers us. obtuse at base; style-arms of disk-florets flattened, with lanceolate-triangular unreceptive tips. Achenes compressed or rarely ± turgid, ± dimidiate to obliquely obovate, contracted to base; margins us. thickened; beak ± viscid, pappus 0. Perennial, us. rhizomatous herbs with basal lvs and at least 1-2 cauline ones. Some 25 spp. of Australia, N.Z., southern Asia and South America; the N.Z. spp. endemic, rather polymorphic, and needing cultural study.