Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Poa compressa L.

P. compressa L. Sp. Pl. 69  (1753).

Stiff, loosely tufted, bluish or greyish green perennial to c. 40 cm, with erect, or geniculate and ascending culms from wiry rhizomes; branching extravaginal; leaf-blades persistent. Leaf-sheath light yellowish green to light brown, subcoriaceous, glabrous, keeled, otherwise indistinctly ribbed. Ligule c. 0.5-1 mm, ± truncate to somewhat rounded, very minutely ciliate, abaxially scabrid. Leaf-blade 2-7 cm × 1.5-2.5 mm, subcoriaceous, folded or flat, abaxially smooth, but scabrid on nerves and keel near curved tip, adaxially finely scabrid throughout; margins short-scabrid. Culm (8)-12-40 cm, flattened, nodes usually purplish, internodes glabrous. Panicle (1)-3-8 cm, usually contracted, stiff, with numerous, densely clustered spikelets, rarely more open and somewhat branched; rachis, branches and pedicels sparsely scabrid. Spikelets 3-6 mm, 3-6-flowered, green or purplish. Glumes ± equal, 3-nerved, ovate-elliptic, acute, smooth, but slightly scabrid on midnerve near tip; lower 2-2.3 mm, upper 2.2-2.5 mm. Lemma 2.2-2.7 mm, 5-nerved but lateral nerves faint, oblong, obtuse, with broad, purple, thin hyaline band above, internerves glabrous, midnerve glabrous or softly hairy in lower ½, lateral nerves glabrous or softly hairy near base. Palea ≈ lemma, keels short-scabrid, interkeel smooth. Callus usually with small tuft of soft hairs. Rachilla c. 0.4 mm, very minutely papillose. Lodicules 0.3-0.4 mm. Anthers 1-1.3 mm. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm.

N.: near Auckland City, Makino near Feilding, Wellington City; S.: Marlborough (Pelorus Sound), Canterbury (near Christchurch), Otago (Lauder, and near Queenstown). Not common; roadsides and shingle banks.

Naturalised from Europe.

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