Gnaphalium paludosum Petrie
Type locality: Rangipo Plain, 3500´. Type: W, Petrie.
Tufted herb up to 5 cm. tall with radical lvs and one or more scapiform stems. Lvs rarely > 1·5 cm. long, very narrow-lanceolate, acute, petiole ± = lamina, which is nearly glab. above and clad in appressed white tomentum below, except midrib. Scapes filiform, erect, c. 2 cm. long, tomentose with a few linear bracts c. 5 mm. long or less. Capitula solitary, c. 1 cm. or less diam.; receptacle alveolate, flat, 1-2 mm. diam. Phyll. 3-4 mm. long, linear, acute, scarious; outer shorter, ± tomentose; inner glab., shining. Achenes < 1 mm. long, linear, with sparsely appressed hairs. Pappus c. 3 mm. long, of 15-25 filiform hairs.
DIST.: N., S. Montane to subalpine boggy ground from lat. 38° 30´ southwards.
FL. 11-1. FT. 12-3.
Colenso (T.N.Z.I. 22, 1890, 472) based his (?) G. minutula (sic.) on specimens collected by H. Hill "In boggy ground, near eastern base of Mount Tongariro . . . 1889". His description includes: "A minute plant of distinct simple growth . . . leaves 6-10, basal . . . 1/2 in. 3/4 in. long, 1/5 in. wide, tips obtuse, dark green, glabrous above and on midrib below, white and cottony on under-surface, thin lateral margins incurved, often twisted . . . Pappus sub 20, rather long for plant, white, spreading, flexuous, 2-nerved, scabrid below, upper portion smooth, flattened, tip obtuse. Achene 1/24 in. long, terete, slightly tuberculate". In K are a few tiny scraps not quite identical with G. paludosum.