Gnaphalium L.
Capitula small, solitary, clustered or corymbose, heterogamous; phyll. imbricate, in several series; receptacle plane to alveolate. Outer florets pistillate, ∞, filiform, minutely toothed; inner perfect, fewer, tubular. Anther-cells produced at base into filiform tails; style-arms of disk-florets nearly terete, truncate to capitate. Achenes not ribbed. Pappus-hairs in one series, caducous. Annual to perennial herbs with alt., entire lvs. Genus of cosmopolitan distribution, with c. 150 spp. Of the N.Z. spp. 1 is widespread elsewhere, 3 occur in Australia, the others are endemic.
Lvs strongly revolute, making lamina linear in outline; branches rather stiff and rigid