Liverworts v1 (2008) - A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand Volume 1
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Cephaloziella pulcherrima R.M.Schust.

Cephaloziella pulcherrima R.M.Schust. subsp. pulcherrima

Leafy shoots 250–400(500) µm wide; abaxial surface of leaves usually smooth; gametangial branches clustered in groups of 2–5; cells of perianth mouth 42–66 µm long.

Distribution and Ecology : Endemic to New Zealand: South Island (730–1160 m). Known from Fiordland (Humboldt Mtns.), Otago (Swampy Hill) and Westland (Otira River valley) EPs.

A helophytic taxon, occurring in open, swampy or boggy sites, sometimes on the less hygric margins of peat-edged tarns (type), sometimes on saturated peaty ground. In the upper Otira valley it was found on damp peat soil with Dicranoloma robustum in Dracophyllum rosmarinifoliumChionochloa rubra tussockland on the valley floor.

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