Hebe haastii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan var. haastii
Lvs very concave, c. 9-11 × 6-9 mm., broadly elliptic, only slightly narrowed towards base (us. 3-4 mm. at narrowest part), the whole of uniformly heavy texture and inclined to dry black; margin not thin, us. minutely erose, often with 1-2 pairs of notches. Bracts and calyx-lobes ± ovate-oblong, often < capsule.
DIST.: Canterbury mountains, known best from drier ranges, e.g. Mt. Torlesse, Mt. Hutt, Mt. Potts, Two Thumb Range.
A specimen from "Summit of Sebastopol ridge, near Hooker valley, Mt. Cook, 4800 ft, P. Graham" (W 5362), though with broad-based lvs, differs from other var. haastii in rather narrow lvs, c. 7 × 4 mm., strong keel, and rather strongly ciliate lf-bases.