Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
H. macrocalyx var. humilis Simpson in T.R.S.N.Z. 79, 1952, 428.
Type locality: "slopes of Mt. French, near Hector's Col, west Matukituki Valley at 1525 m. elevation". Type: BD 76135, G. Simpson and J. S. Thomson, from cultivated plant.
Lvs closely imbricate at least when young, c. 6 × 3 mm., broad-elliptic, narrowed into short membr. winged petiole c. 1·5 mm. wide; lamina obtuse but narrowed towards tip, subcoriac., often ± keeled, margin us. entire, us. with scattered minute glandular hairs when young. Bracts and calyx-lobes linear-oblong, 5-6 mm. long, < corolla-tube.
DIST.: Otago mountains; Nelson?
The type specimens have poorly developed infls with many empty bracts and uneven maturation of fls and frs; similar infls occur on specimens, also from plants in garden of G. Simpson, from Mt. Elliot, McKinnon Pass, the only other Otago locality for var. humilis.
Specimens from Nelson mountains, where H. haastii has been rather widely collected, are fairly uniform, sharing most features with var. humilis but showing a wide range of size and having compound fl.-heads us. as large as those in other vars of the sp. More material from Otago or intermediate stations is required for comparison.