Hebe haastii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica haastii Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 213.
Original localities: Summits of Mounts Darwin, Dobson, Torlesse and on Mt. Cook, alt. 6-7000 ft., Haast". Type: K.
Low woody shrub, stems often ∞, to 30 cm. long, decumbent or ascending. Branchlets glab. or with a little pubescence below nodes, the short internodes mostly hidden by closely imbricate lvs. Lvs erect to spreading, 6-13 × (3)-4-9 mm., broadly ovate to obovate-spathulate, ± concave, coriac. to fleshy, bases shortly connate and ciliolate; lamina subacute to broadly obtuse, glab., entire or with a few pairs of small notches, margin bordered but not thickened. Fls in a compact oblong head 1·5-3 cm. long and us. broader than lfy shoot; infl. of ∞ several-fld spikelets in axils of little-altered lvs emerging into a terminal spikelet. Bracts 4-7 mm. long, lanceolate to linear, obtuse, shortly ciliolate near base only. Calyx-lobes like bracts but slightly longer. Corolla white, tube long, narrow, lobes short. Capsule erect, to 6 × 4 mm., rather tumid, ovate and narrowed to rounded tip, glab.
DIST.: S. Mountains from Nelson to Otago.
FL. 12-3.